Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Party

We love when Riley's preschool class has a party, its so fun to be in the classroom and see him interact with his friends. The day before the actual party its all he could talk about. He was so excited for the TREATS and that he was getting VALENTINES from his class mates!
Riley said "HIS MOMMY" was his Valentine (love my boy)!... But when I asked him who his valentine was he told me it was DELANY (A girl in his class) hmmmm maybe someone has a little crush?
Stringing a macaroni necklace... He only put on 2 pieces of pasta and then went straight outside for the RED BIKE
We've heard ALOT about this Red Bike, apparently is has been the source of a few arguments on the playground about who's turn it is to ride it.
Checking out his bag of VALENTINES

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