Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

We spent the Saturday before Easter at our beach with family. Uncle Jordan flew in from Utah, Aunt Lou Lou drove from Arizona and Matt and Karyna came for the weekend from LA. We had lots of yummy food and good laughs (especially when Jordan and Jared climbed the cactus covered hills to get the Frisbee and when grandpa fell face first in the water trying to catch the Frisbee)! On Sunday we gathered at Mee-Mom and Grandpa's house for breakfast, an Easter egg hunt and then again later that night for our traditional Easter dinner. Riley and his Mee-Mom Cousin Aven couldn't get enough of the sand, he was dipping the smash ball in the sand and putting it in his mouth! Uncle Jared hiked the Cactus filled hill to find his Frisbee! Can you see him in the picture? Riley Loves his Aunt Lou Lou Hunting for Eggs at Mee-Mom's house, and loving it!!! The Easter Bunny knows Riley LOVES quarters! Mee-Mom's yummy Sour cream waffles and eggs benedict breakfast!!! We Loved having Jordan and Lindsey here, wish Jordan could have stayed longer!!! (Lindsey is staying all week)!

1 comment:

Forsythe said...

Looks like a fun time. Love your red Easter dress! Is that in front of your new house?